Latest Episodes
#41 INTERVIEW – Alberta MLA Drew Barnes
Alberta MLA Drew Barnes is calling on “all Alberta politicians, including Alberta’s 34 members of Parliament, to take an immediate 20 per cent pay...
#40 Deficit Skyrocketing Yet Again, Feds Lied About Carbon Tax Hike, and Infrastructure Bank CEO Exit Costs a Bundle
News at the Top – Deficit Skyrocketing Once Again Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is spending about $1.8 billion every single day. Ontario Director Jasmine...
#39 How High Can Carbon Taxes Go, Trudeau Broke Our Debt Clock, and Corporate Welfare A World Away
News at the Top – How High Can Carbon Taxes Go? Just how high can carbon taxes go? Our Alberta Director Franco Terrazano and...
#38 MPs Stop Taking Our Lunch Money, Messy Military Purchases Cost Billions, and Millions Thrown Away on Failed Security Seat Campaign
News at the Top – MPs Stop Taking Our Lunch Money In a truly rare event, MPs in Ottawa recently decided to stop making...
#37 The Great Reset Canada Really Needs, Alberta’s Cutting Government Pay, and Feds Pay for Art in Empty Offices
News at the Top – The Great Reset Canada Really Needs Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been talking about a great reset, but Canada...
#36 INTERVIEW – Colin Craig,
Millions of Canadians are struggling with job losses and pay cuts, but what about government employees? We interview’s Colin Craig about his latest...