It's ELECTION TIME in three provinces!
What are politicians promising voters in British Columbia, New Brunswick and Saskatchewan?
Is the carbon tax looming large?
Are people sick of high taxes?
Can we afford these promises?
Find out with CTF host Kris Sims as she gets the latest from the ground from BC Director Carson Binda, Atlantic Director Devin Drover and Prairie Director Gage Haubrich To join the Taxpayer Army – go to the website and sign the petitions that speak to you.
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The CTF was SUMMONED to testify at the Heritage Committee on Parliament Hill in Ottawa. The topic: The CBC! The Canadian Taxpayers Federation told...
The Canadian Taxpayers Federation sat down with Conservative Party Leadership Candidate Jean Charest to talk about key taxpayer issues like what he would do...
News at the Top – Feds Spend Thousands on Harrington Lake Vanities We have more exclusive information on the ridiculous spending on the prime...