#52 Bell Cuts Jobs While Taking Wage Subsidy, National Debt Ballooning, and Trudeau’s Trees Getting Expensive

Episode 56 February 16, 2021 00:27:34
#52 Bell Cuts Jobs While Taking Wage Subsidy, National Debt Ballooning, and Trudeau’s Trees Getting Expensive
Canadian Taxpayers Podcast
#52 Bell Cuts Jobs While Taking Wage Subsidy, National Debt Ballooning, and Trudeau’s Trees Getting Expensive

Feb 16 2021 | 00:27:34


Show Notes

News at the Top – Bell Cuts Jobs While Taking Wage Subsidy

The federal government has been giving wage subsidies to businesses as part of its pandemic response, but some of these companies are taking the cash, increasing dividends, then turning around and firing their employees.

Ontario Director Jasmine Moulton and B.C. Director Kris Sims talked about what impact the company’s cuts will have across Canada.  

Link: https://www.billboard.com/articles/news/international/9520619/canada-bell-media-layoffs-radio/

Deep Dive – National Debt Ballooning

The national debt is rapidly expanding. Our Quebec Director Renaud Brossard and our Federal Director Aaron Wudrick discussed the long-term impacts of that debt, which was recently analyzed by the Fraser Institute. 

Link: https://www.fraserinstitute.org/sites/default/files/growing-debt-burden-for-canadians-2021.pdf

Waste Watch – Trudeau’s Trees Getting Expensive

The Trudeau government promised to spend $3 billion to plant trees.

Turns out, that promise was low-balling the cost, and the entire project will go overbudget by nearly another $3 billion. Renaud stays on to talk about the pricy tree project with Alberta Director Franco Terrazano.

Link: https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/pbo-two-billion-trees-1.5892056

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