#64 O’Toole Breaks Carbon Tax Promise, Budget a Debt-Fueled Spending Binge, Bills Pile Up After Cancelled Barbados Trip

Episode 68 April 22, 2021 00:28:18
#64 O’Toole Breaks Carbon Tax Promise, Budget a Debt-Fueled Spending Binge, Bills Pile Up After Cancelled Barbados Trip
Canadian Taxpayers Podcast
#64 O’Toole Breaks Carbon Tax Promise, Budget a Debt-Fueled Spending Binge, Bills Pile Up After Cancelled Barbados Trip

Apr 22 2021 | 00:28:18


Show Notes

News at the Top – O’Toole Breaks Carbon Tax Promise

Conservative Party of Canada Leader Erin O’Toole has announced his own federal carbon tax.

This is the same Erin O’Toole that when running for leader of the CPC, signed the Canadian Taxpayers Federation pledge to scrap the Trudeau carbon tax and not impose a national carbon tax of his own.

If he goes through with this carbon tax, he will be breaking a huge promise he made to millions of Canadians.

LINKS: https://www.taxpayer.com/newsroom/taxpayers-federation-slams-cpc-leader-erin-o%E2%80%99toole-for-announcing-his-own-carbon-tax


SIGN the PETITION: https://www.taxpayer.com/petitions/stop-trudeau-s-second-carbon-tax

Deep Dive – Budget Spends Billions

We knew there was going to be a huge deficit, we knew there was going to be a $1 trillion debt tab, but the budget was even worse than we thought, as the federal government plans to permanently increase spending for years to come.

LINKS: https://www.taxpayer.com/newsroom/federal-budget-spends-more-on-everything-with-no-plan-to-pay-for-it

https://financialpost.com/opinion/opinion-federal-budget-spend-spend-more-then-spend-more-than that

Waste Watch – Bills Pile Up After Cancelled Barbados Trip

The federal government spent close to $140,000 for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to basically not go somewhere.

LINK: https://www.taxpayer.com/newsroom/federal-government-spent-close-to-140,000-on-prime-minister%E2%80%99s-cancelled-barbados-trip

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