The Trudeau government spent $32,250 bankrolling an intersectional feminist report on the evils of outer space.
The report claims current approaches to outer space are “heavily Western, state-centric, militarized, masculinized, and colonial,” and encourage practices that are “racist, exploitative, elitist, and environmentally destructive.”
Plus, the feds are wasting $7 million of your money on a new ad campaign trying to convince Canadians the carbon tax is good.
All that and more in this week’s Canadian Taxpayer Podcast.
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News at the Top – Conservative Candidates Pledge to Scrap Carbon Tax The Canadian Taxpayers Federation has secured signed pledges from all four candidates...
Politicians think sugar taxes will make people skinnier in Newfoundland and Labrador, but this hasn’t worked before. And there’s a lot of unfairness to...
Dan McTeague, President of Canadians for Affordable Energy, talks about Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s proposed second carbon tax (the so-called Clean Fuel Standard). Canadians...