News at the Top – Big Win for CTF on Calgary Mayor’s Double Pension
Calgary council finally ended the mayor’s second pension.
Deep Dive – The Cost of COVID Rises
The average family of four’s share of the federal debt is now $100,000 and it’s only going up from here. Federal Director Aaron Wudrick and Ontario Director Jasmine Moulton break down the looming debt crisis.
Waste Watch – Québec Bureaucrat Blows a Bundle on a Car Rental
The CEO of Investissement Québec spent $1,500 on a mystery car rental for one day. To put that in perspective: He could have rented two Ferraris and saved money. To put that in even better perspective: Alberta Director Franco Terrazano’s first car cost $1,500.
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Taxpayers are right to be worried about Trudeau’s online censorship. We asked the Canadian Constitution Foundation to break down Trudeau’s so-called online harms bill...
Federal Director Franco Terrazzano told politicians at the federal finance committee where to go and how to get there. The destination is a balanced...
The Canadian Taxpayers Federation sat down with Conservative Party Leadership Candidate Roman Baber to talk about key taxpayer issues like what he would do...