News at the Top – Gun Ban Gets More Expensive (and Weird)
The Trudeau government has officially introduced legislation to spend hundreds of millions to ban some guns, but there’s no evidence this move will make Canadians any safer.
Our B.C. Director Kris Sims and Prairie Director Todd MacKay break down the impact this will have on taxpayer’s wallets, and the lives of legal gunowners.
Deep Dive – Ontario Politicians Laugh About Pay Cuts
Ontario politicians laughed at the idea of cutting salaries for politicians.
Our Ontario Director Jasmine Moulton discusses this flagrant disrespect for taxpayers with our Alberta Director Franco Terrazzano.
Waste Watch – Navy Ships Billions Overbudget
New ships for the Canadian Navy were supposed to cost $26 billion. But now, they’re going to cost at least $77 billion, and be at least five years late.
Our Federal Director Aaron Wudrick talks about the debacle with our Quebec Director Renaud Brossard.
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News at the Top – We Told Trudeau Told to Cut Off Julie Payette’s Expense Account Last week, Federal Director Aaron Wudrick paid a...
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his entourage billed taxpayers more than $220,000 for airplane food during their week-long tour of the Indo-Pacific last September....
News at the Top – Trudeau’s Tax Hikes If you drive a car, like to heat your home in the winter, and enjoy a...