Our Quebec Director Renaud Brossard just got back from Tampa Bay, Florida, but he wasn’t on vacation. He was fighting to save Quebec taxpayers a big chunk of change, as talks heat up for a new baseball stadium in Montreal for the Tampa Bay Rays.
LISTEN HERE: https://www.fox13news.com/news/canadian-group-sponsors-billboard-opposing-taxpayer-funded-rays-stadium
READ MORE: https://www.taxpayer.com/newsroom/quebec-taxpayers-say-no-to-new-baseball-stadium
In Ottawa, our Federal Director Franco Terrazzano is celebrating a victory for taxpayers as temporary COVID-19 subsidies are wound down by the federal government.
READ HIS OP-ED HERE: https://financialpost.com/opinion/franco-terrazzano-time-for-the-feds-to-set-an-end-date-to-covid-spending-before-our-fiscal-house-falls-to-pieces
And in British Columbia, the carbon tax is on the rise again, along with carbon emissions. Our B.C. Director Kris Sims weighs in.
LISTEN TO HER RADIO APPEARANCE HERE: https://player.fm/series/the-jas-johal-show/carbon-tax-plans-criticised-as-out-of-touch-as-cost-of-living-woes-drag-on
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